Assessing how additional training may reduce motorcycle accidents

Riding a motorcycle is a welcomed thrill and enjoyment for many people in California. It is also an activity that comes with a significant risk especially if riders do not take adequate caution in protecting their safety and well-being. Motorcyclists who prioritize their safety and are well-versed in the operation of their bike may be much less likely to be involved in a fatal collision resulting from their own actions. 

While motorcyclists can never control the behavior of other drivers, they can learn valuable awareness skills to help them recognize hazards before they turn into danger. They can learn to practice vigilance by staying aware of their surroundings and learning how to navigate road hazards with confidence and skill. However, mastering these types of maneuvers requires time, practice and review. 

According to, two valuable benefits of motorcyclists’ decision to participate in an advanced training course are to first, heighten their awareness and ability to ride with skill and second, to increase their confidence when operating their bike, especially around other motorists. Simply put, motorcycle safety training can outfit riders with needed experience and knowledge to help them avoid dangerous situations. In fact, training should be an ongoing process so that skills can be refreshed and strengthened over time. 

Motorcycle safety training courses can be found in a variety of places. For example, Harley-Davidson provides an entire course with various classes that are catered to specific interests and skill levels. There are options for new riders who have never been on a motorcycle before, as well as options for more experienced drivers who wish to learn and reinforce safe riding practices.