Driving is second-hand nature to most people, and most people get from point A to point B just fine. However, there are certainly aggressive drivers on the roadway, and in many cases, drivers display road rage. Here, we want to discuss how you can avoid aggressive drivers and help alleviate road rage on California roadways. It is crucial for you to avoid situations where conflict can occur when you are driving.

Avoiding Dangerous Road Rage Situations

It is so easy to just say drive safely and you will not have to worry about road rage situations, but that is not how driving works. Often, individuals find themselves in situations that are unavoidable. However, prevention is the best way to minimize the risk of being around aggressive drivers. Here, we want to outline some steps that you can take to help avoid aggressive drivers and possibly alleviate road rage situations you may find yourself involved in.

1. Practice polite driving

Drive as politely as possible. This includes not following others too closely, not cutting off other vehicles, not operating with your high beams on, and not breaking erratically. You should only drive as fast as conditions allow, which may not always be the posted speed limit. When you merge, you should always air on the side of caution and not try to cut any other vehicle off.

2. Lower your speed

Slowing down can help resolve plenty of situations, particularly if there are aggressive drivers around you. If you notice other drivers being aggressive and in a hurry, lower your speed and let them be on their way.

3. Put distance between you and aggressive drivers

You need to get some distance between yourself and any other aggressive drivers on the roadway, particularly if a driver is mad at you individually. This may include you slowing down to let them get ahead or changing lanes so that you are not right next to them.

4. Do not make any rude gestures or yell

Even though it can be tempting to throw up some not-so-nice gestures or yell at other drivers, you need to avoid this at all costs. Doing so will only escalate the situation. Additionally, avoid making direct eye contact with an aggressive driver, as they may see this as you trying to pick a fight.

5. Try to avoid the horn

You should only use your horn in an emergency situation or a light tap to get another driver’s attention. Your first instinct should not be to slam the horn if another driver makes you mad. Again, this type of action can escalate a situation.

6. Avoid competitiveness

All too often, drivers end up trying to go faster than other vehicles around them. Sometimes, this leads to drivers cutting off other vehicles on the roadway. Under no circumstances should driving become a competitive sport.

7. Contact the police

If you find yourself in a particularly dangerous situation or see a vehicle driving erratically, you need to call 911 and report them to the police. Give the dispatcher as much information as possible, including a description of the vehicle and the driver.

8. Pull over to a safe location

At any time, if you feel unsafe on the roadway, you need to pull over to a safe location and let yourself calm down. Even if the other driver is long gone, the adrenaline running through your system can affect your driving behavior. Pull over, take time to think and breathe, and then begin your journey again.

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