Medical Malpractice

What are the Limitations for Medical Malpractice Cases?

When a medical professional makes a mistake that causes harm to a patient, it is essential for the patient and their family members to have some way to recover compensation for their losses. Generally, the only way to recover compensation in these situations is to file a medical malpractice lawsuit in civil court. Here, we want to discuss the timelines associated with filing these claims and why it is so important to speak to an...
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The Dangers of Medication Errors

Millions of Americans around the country depend on the medications each day. In some cases, these are over-the-counter medications, but this also includes prescription medications to help with conditions such as high blood pressure, blood sugar issues, heart medication, cancer medications, weight loss prescriptions, and more.  Medications keep people healthy, and they can extend their quality of life. However, there are significant dangers involved with medications, particularly when a mistake is made. Data shows that...
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Time Limitations for a Medical Malpractice Claim in California

Individuals who sustain injuries or illnesses caused by the negligent actions of a medical professional should be able to recover compensation for their losses. However, medical malpractice claims are notoriously challenging. The first step is ensuring that the medical malpractice claim gets filed within the time frame set forth by the state of California, called the medical malpractice statute of limitations. The Usual Timeframe for Medical Malpractice Claims Under California law, and just like any...
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Who Is Liable For A Surgical Mistake?

The last thing individuals need to worry about when they go in for a surgical procedure is that a mistake will be made. Unfortunately, there are times when doctors, surgeons, or any other member of the medical staff make an error that harms a patient. Here, we want to discuss who could be held liable after a surgical error occurs in California. Examining the Surgical Team When examining who could be responsible for a surgical...
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What Compensation Is Available In a California Medical Malpractice Case?

Individuals who sustain injuries or illnesses caused by the negligent actions of medical providers may be able to recover compensation for their losses. Medical malpractice claims in California are notoriously difficult, but a successful claim can bring the compensation individuals need to move forward with their lives. In general, medical malpractice victims will be able to recover both economic and non-economic compensation if their claim is successful. Economic Damages for a California Medical Malpractice Case...
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