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Analyzing the costs of drunk driving involves looking at the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels. In other words, how they affect society as a whole as well as the individuals involved. The costs associated with drunk driving extend into how these incidents affect any victims involved in a vehicle accident, both on a physical and emotional …

Drunk driving accidents are a leading cause of roadway fatalities each year in California. Preventing these types of incidents is a priority, but individuals can only prevent these accidents so far as it concerns their own actions. Here, we want to discuss the best preventative methods for avoiding drunk driving collisions on the roadways. Calling …

Commercial establishments that serve alcoholic beverages are potentially liable under California’s dram shop law for injuries suffered by victims of drunk driving accidents. The legal theory behind dram shop liability is that the establishment served alcohol to a minor or visibly intoxicated person, and that person’s intoxication was a substantial factor in causing the victim’s …

Vehicles face recalls all the time. In some cases, recalls are for major mechanical or electrical problems that could lead to devastating incidents. In other cases, recalls are for relatively minor defects or issues with the vehicle. However, what happens if a recalled vehicle gets into an accident? Who would be at fault for the …

Defensive driving is something that we learn about when we get our driver’s permit. From our teenage years onward, we hear about defensive driving, but all too often, individuals tend to forget about the principles. Here, we want to review five of the most important tips when it comes to defensive driving and staying safe …

After sustaining an injury in an accident, it is crucial for you and any passengers you have to seek medical care as soon as possible after the incident. There are a few reasons why receiving prompt medical attention is important – your well-being is of the utmost importance, and the insurance carriers are going to …

Buying insurance for a vehicle can be complicated, particularly when we start looking at the definition of “stacked” versus “unstacked” auto insurance. A stacked insurance plan is one in which an insurance policy can combine the uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage limits across multiple vehicles or policies in an effort to increase how much the …

Getting your driver’s license as a teenager is perhaps one of the most defining moments of those years of change. This is the personification of freedom, at least in a teen’s mind. Almost magic. However, there is no denying that teenage drivers are less experienced, and they are much more likely to be involved in …

Driving is second-hand nature to most people, and most people get from point A to point B just fine. However, there are certainly aggressive drivers on the roadway, and in many cases, drivers display road rage. Here, we want to discuss how you can avoid aggressive drivers and help alleviate road rage on California roadways. …

Drivers operating while distracted are a leading cause of vehicle accidents in California and throughout the US. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), distracted driving involves any type of activity that takes the driver’s attention away from the actual driving. There are many ways that distracted driving can occur, including eating …

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