Business Litigation

What Is a Trademark?

Trademark protections are available for various names, devices, words, or symbols that can be used in connection with a service or good. Additionally, there are certain marks that are associated with a service, and these will be called “service marks.” However, “trademark” is the common term used to refer to marks associated with both goods and services. Trademarks are designed to allow companies and individuals to distinguish themselves from others in the industry and to...
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What Is a Copyright?

Copyrights are forms of intellectual property protection that find their basis in the Constitution of the United States and granted under the law to protect original works of authorship. This includes both published and unpublished works. There are various categories of works that can be protected by copyright laws in the US, including movies, software, literary works, paintings, live performances, photographs, and more. Here, we want to provide a brief overview of what a copyright...
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What Is a Trade Secret?

Trade secrets are defined by federal law under the Uniform Trade Secrets Act (UTSA). They are forms of intellectual property and may consist of any pattern, physical device, idea, process, or formula (or a combination of those) that gives a company an advantage over its competitors. It is important to understand what kind of things can be considered trade secrets, how businesses protect trade secrets, and what the penalties are for stealing trade secrets. What...
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What Is a Demand Letter?

A demand letter is a preliminary tactic used by individuals or entities as an attempt to resolve a dispute, usually over a form of payment owed by one party to another. These letters are an effort by one party involved in the dispute to reach a resolution before taking formal legal action through the courts. It is important to understand how a demand letter works, why one may need to be sent, and what you...
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