Car Accidents

Social media addiction and distracted driving

There are many different types of distractions that can increase the chances of a motor vehicle collision, such as trying to use a GPS and less common distractions that pose similar risks. However, smartphones have become an incredibly common source of distracted driving, and many people are unable to put their phones down for lengthy periods of time due to an addiction to social media. There are various social media platforms, and some of them...
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How can I help my teen be a better driver?

Teen drivers lack the experience of their adult counterparts. As a result, they're more likely to be involved in car accidents, which can have devastating results for all involved. That's why it's up to parents to ensure their young drivers have the skills they need when getting behind the wheel. In this case, offers the following tips to parents to help their kids stay safe behind the wheel. Tailgating involves following too close to the vehicle...
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The link between allergy season and car crashes

Motor vehicle wrecks have many causes, but some are not mentioned or widely recognized as much as others. For example, people may pay less attention to the likelihood of seasonal allergies causing an accident, while they are well aware that driving under the influence is dangerous and could lead to a fatal collision. During the spring, many allergy sufferers have a difficult time, and the symptoms they experience can disrupt their lives in all sorts...
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How many fatal accidents involve young pedestrians?

Far too many kids have passed away in traffic collisions, and when these lives are cut short the challenges that arise may be devastating for their entire family. If you are a parent, it is pivotal to do all you can to keep your child safe whenever they are on the road or near traffic, and this includes ensuring that they understand how to avoid an accident while walking alongside the road or attempting to...
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Automatic transmission and distracted driving

Some drivers prefer to operate vehicles with manual transmission, while others may opt for a car with automatic transmission. People may prefer to drive a stick shift because it allows them to control the vehicle better, while some drivers may be unfamiliar with operating these types of vehicles and decide to stick with automatic transmission. Unfortunately, automatic transmission can, in some instances, increase the chances of a driver becoming distracted on the road. When someone...
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